Friday, October 07, 2011

Clean sysouts from java project

Recently I was working in a project that had a lot of sysouts (System.out.println) peppered all over the code. I tried the usual sed approach find . -name '*.java' | xargs sed -i '/System.out.println/d' and that din't work out too well because of multiline sysouts. So, I decided to try the AST approach using the java parser from So, create a maven project add the javaparser repository and dependency in the pom.xml as given below
And the java code that creates the AST and looks for the System.out.println method call

Luhn algorithm in elisp

I was looking for the checksum validation of credit card numbers and came across the Luhn Algorithm. I had emacs open and on a whim decided I'll try and implement it using elisp. I'm no lisp programmer but, have in the past managed to write some basic elisp in .emacs so, I guessed it would take me about .5hr at most.

I guessed wrong. It took me a lot longer to wrap my head around even some of the simple elisp constructs like let and lambda took quite a while and it took a lot longer than I anticipated. Here, I present to you the fruit of my labors :)